Health / Relief, Recovery and Peace
Event: Resilence Talks
Time: 10h00 – 11h45
Event: A Trade Contribution to the Global Climate Agenda – Perspectives from the global climate community on priorities for cooperation by Trade Ministers
Time: 12h00 – 13h00
Event: Climate change and plastic pollution nexus and the opportunities and challenges for complementary actions at all levels
Time: 16h00 – 17h30
Moderator: Carolyne Deere Birkbeck. Tessforum (por confirmar)
1. Luis Vayas Valdivieso. Embajador, Presidente INC
2. Autoridad de Canadá, Kenia, Arabia Saudita o Suiza (confirmar y completar nombres)
3. Michael Bloomberg o Directora de la WWF (confirmar)
4. Gabriela Sommerfeld. Canciller del Ecuador